Generally, dental care plans and routines vary over different age groups given the needs differences. Although dental care’s essential focus is the same, its approach may vary due to several factors, from children to senior citizens. These are some dental care tips and advice for different age groups.
0-2 Year Age Group
Babies teeth start to come in between 6 and 8 months, but these are extremely tender and delicate teeth and gums. They need more extra care in the choice of dental care products. At this stage, using soft-bristled toothbrushes meant for infants is ideal. It is also a good idea to visit a dentist to evaluate the infant’s dental health. Besides, other dental care products can be recommended with an expert’s help and guidance.
3-5 Year Age Group
After getting used to the soft-bristled toothbrushes, using mild forms of fluoride toothpaste and flossing is the best dental care routine progression. It makes teeth free from common bacteria and other plaque sources. Children learn to value and treat tooth cleaning as a vital health necessity. Close supervision, monitoring, and checking dental health with a dentist are also helpful.
6-10 Age Group
This is another range and group, especially with regard to foods and beverages taken. These children are more independent, trying lots of foods with varied effects on their dental health. Gums are more susceptible to attacks, cavities can easily form, and plaque and other teeth-staining substances mean more exposure to dental issues. It’s good to train them early on the best oral and dental routines, like brushing after meals, the proper use of dental floss, and brushing before going to bed and in the morning. Regular dental checks are a good health and hygiene habit.
11-15 Age Group
Pre-pubescents and puberty-aged youngsters need more close guidance to avoid extremely difficult dental complications. The puberty period sees the youngsters experimenting with substances that are clearly driven to spoil or aggravate teeth, breath, and personal health. Hard-core substances like alcohol and tobacco may frustrate a decent and healthier dental routine. These substances are corrosive, destructive, and stain teeth, weaken tooth shapes and health, destroy gums, and enable other bacteria to grow and flourish. It’s good to keep a regular dental routine free from these substances and use the services of a dentist regulalry.
Early Adulthood to Middle Age Group
Teenagers are the hardest to advise, as they do as they please in most cases on the wrong side. It is hard to eat fast food on a sustained basis and not damage your teeth. It is impossible to have a certain type of food at grossly late or early hours and not have it affect your teeth or even your digestive system. For middle-aged adults, skipping meals to retain physical shapes, eating late, snacking all the time, eating deep-fried foods all the time, and failing to floss regularly can start dental problems. It is good to visit your dentist even at the slightest ache for a dental checkup.
Over 60+ Age Group
Teeth lose some form of calcium if they are not maintained well. It is good to remember to floss regularly, use fewer chemicals, and focus on a wholesome dental plan that enriches your tooth health. Dentists also advise having balanced diets rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other wellness-promoting foods. Some foods are great for your dental wellness plan at this stage of life. Tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and extra-fatty and oily food substances are all bad for your teeth. Instead, focus on a healthy diet.